Synopsis: Sixteen-year-old Ember Morrow is promised to a group called Conatus after one of their healers saves her mother's life. Once she arrives, Ember finds joy in wielding swords, learning magic, and fighting the encroaching darkness loose in the world. She also finds herself falling in love with her mentor, the dashing, brooding, and powerful Barrow Hess. When the knights realize Eira, one of their leaders, is dabbling in dark magic, Ember and Barrow must choose whether to follow Eira into the nether realm or to pledge their lives to destroying her and her kind. (From Goodreads)
It's no secret that I love Andrea Cremer's Nightshade series. If you didn't know this then I'll say it again. I LOVE ANDREA CREMER. I love the world that she has created. This is a fantasy that is truly exceptional. We've been introduced to the modern state of the world of the watchers and the horror of the wraiths. And I actually mentioned in my review of Wolfsbane that if Andrea Cremer wrote a history book about Calla's world, I would read it. Well. Here's that history - in story form. Yeah, doesn't get better than this.
So we go back to before the wraiths, before the watchers and we get to see how this evil comes slinking into the world. And we get to watch it all happen through another incredible heroine. If it's possible, I may like Ember more than Calla. Ember is fierce and Scottish, and she's a female warrior who has to keep her role a secret. She plays with the big boys, and man are those boys something else.
For about three seconds I was a little worried that we were in for another painful (in a good way, of course) love triangle. I don't know if my heart can take another Ren-Calla-Shay. Thankfully, that fear was quelled pretty quick. It's not a love triangle, yet somehow, Ember's love life seems so much more complicated. Luckily, there's Barrow. He's one of the strong, silent types. And I think every word out of his mouth made me completely melt - even if he was just passing on a greeting. Also, if you recall Nightshade, you'll probably remember some pretty intense scenes - you know, the kind that make you blush a bit. Yeah. Well, Rift also has some serious heat. Like, whoa.
I need to stop comparing Rift to Nightshade though. Because, while it's the same world and over time Ember and Calla are linked, they stand beautifully apart. Rift is incredible unto itself and it stands by itself. If you haven't read the Nightshade series, you'll be just fine jumping into Rift. Which, if you haven't read anything Andrea has written, then you seriously need to. Anyway. There are moments where you see something coming, but it doesn't even matter because there is some great tension. It all leads up to an ending that is explosive and slightly torturous. I feel like I've gotten pretty good at being patient between books in series, but I don't know if I can handle the wait until the next book.
So I hope you at least know I love Andrea Cremer. And I hope that you'll run out and pick up the first Andrea Cremer book you can find. Hopefully, that book will be Rift on August 7. I'm so excited for this book, you guys, I kind of want to buy ten copies and just put them in strategic places in my house so I can get all happy whenever I see the cover. Overkill? Nah.
Friday, August 3, 2012
Friday, August 3, 2012
Rift - Andrea Cremer
Synopsis: Sixteen-year-old Ember Morrow is promised to a group called Conatus after one of their healers saves her mother's life. Once she arrives, Ember finds joy in wielding swords, learning magic, and fighting the encroaching darkness loose in the world. She also finds herself falling in love with her mentor, the dashing, brooding, and powerful Barrow Hess. When the knights realize Eira, one of their leaders, is dabbling in dark magic, Ember and Barrow must choose whether to follow Eira into the nether realm or to pledge their lives to destroying her and her kind. (From Goodreads)
It's no secret that I love Andrea Cremer's Nightshade series. If you didn't know this then I'll say it again. I LOVE ANDREA CREMER. I love the world that she has created. This is a fantasy that is truly exceptional. We've been introduced to the modern state of the world of the watchers and the horror of the wraiths. And I actually mentioned in my review of Wolfsbane that if Andrea Cremer wrote a history book about Calla's world, I would read it. Well. Here's that history - in story form. Yeah, doesn't get better than this.
So we go back to before the wraiths, before the watchers and we get to see how this evil comes slinking into the world. And we get to watch it all happen through another incredible heroine. If it's possible, I may like Ember more than Calla. Ember is fierce and Scottish, and she's a female warrior who has to keep her role a secret. She plays with the big boys, and man are those boys something else.
For about three seconds I was a little worried that we were in for another painful (in a good way, of course) love triangle. I don't know if my heart can take another Ren-Calla-Shay. Thankfully, that fear was quelled pretty quick. It's not a love triangle, yet somehow, Ember's love life seems so much more complicated. Luckily, there's Barrow. He's one of the strong, silent types. And I think every word out of his mouth made me completely melt - even if he was just passing on a greeting. Also, if you recall Nightshade, you'll probably remember some pretty intense scenes - you know, the kind that make you blush a bit. Yeah. Well, Rift also has some serious heat. Like, whoa.
I need to stop comparing Rift to Nightshade though. Because, while it's the same world and over time Ember and Calla are linked, they stand beautifully apart. Rift is incredible unto itself and it stands by itself. If you haven't read the Nightshade series, you'll be just fine jumping into Rift. Which, if you haven't read anything Andrea has written, then you seriously need to. Anyway. There are moments where you see something coming, but it doesn't even matter because there is some great tension. It all leads up to an ending that is explosive and slightly torturous. I feel like I've gotten pretty good at being patient between books in series, but I don't know if I can handle the wait until the next book.
So I hope you at least know I love Andrea Cremer. And I hope that you'll run out and pick up the first Andrea Cremer book you can find. Hopefully, that book will be Rift on August 7. I'm so excited for this book, you guys, I kind of want to buy ten copies and just put them in strategic places in my house so I can get all happy whenever I see the cover. Overkill? Nah.
It's no secret that I love Andrea Cremer's Nightshade series. If you didn't know this then I'll say it again. I LOVE ANDREA CREMER. I love the world that she has created. This is a fantasy that is truly exceptional. We've been introduced to the modern state of the world of the watchers and the horror of the wraiths. And I actually mentioned in my review of Wolfsbane that if Andrea Cremer wrote a history book about Calla's world, I would read it. Well. Here's that history - in story form. Yeah, doesn't get better than this.
So we go back to before the wraiths, before the watchers and we get to see how this evil comes slinking into the world. And we get to watch it all happen through another incredible heroine. If it's possible, I may like Ember more than Calla. Ember is fierce and Scottish, and she's a female warrior who has to keep her role a secret. She plays with the big boys, and man are those boys something else.
For about three seconds I was a little worried that we were in for another painful (in a good way, of course) love triangle. I don't know if my heart can take another Ren-Calla-Shay. Thankfully, that fear was quelled pretty quick. It's not a love triangle, yet somehow, Ember's love life seems so much more complicated. Luckily, there's Barrow. He's one of the strong, silent types. And I think every word out of his mouth made me completely melt - even if he was just passing on a greeting. Also, if you recall Nightshade, you'll probably remember some pretty intense scenes - you know, the kind that make you blush a bit. Yeah. Well, Rift also has some serious heat. Like, whoa.
I need to stop comparing Rift to Nightshade though. Because, while it's the same world and over time Ember and Calla are linked, they stand beautifully apart. Rift is incredible unto itself and it stands by itself. If you haven't read the Nightshade series, you'll be just fine jumping into Rift. Which, if you haven't read anything Andrea has written, then you seriously need to. Anyway. There are moments where you see something coming, but it doesn't even matter because there is some great tension. It all leads up to an ending that is explosive and slightly torturous. I feel like I've gotten pretty good at being patient between books in series, but I don't know if I can handle the wait until the next book.
So I hope you at least know I love Andrea Cremer. And I hope that you'll run out and pick up the first Andrea Cremer book you can find. Hopefully, that book will be Rift on August 7. I'm so excited for this book, you guys, I kind of want to buy ten copies and just put them in strategic places in my house so I can get all happy whenever I see the cover. Overkill? Nah.