**I am not currently accepting review requests.**
My reviews will always be honest no matter where the book came from. I'd like to express that I will always be respectful in my reviews. I will never trash a book because I didn't like it. I understand that a book signifies the heart and soul of the author, the belief of the agent, and the hard work of publishing and marketing teams. I will always express my own views truthfully and graciously.
My reviews will always be honest no matter where the book came from. I'd like to express that I will always be respectful in my reviews. I will never trash a book because I didn't like it. I understand that a book signifies the heart and soul of the author, the belief of the agent, and the hard work of publishing and marketing teams. I will always express my own views truthfully and graciously.
I will only accept review requests for young adult and new adult fiction. I rarely review adult or middle grade fiction. I can receive e-texts, but I prefer a hard copy whenever possible. When reviewing ARCs, I will always attempt to have my review up on, or before the release date. I am able to meet deadlines if there is a preferred date for the review.
When you send a request, please include a brief synopsis, an image if possible, and your release date. Do not attach your book to the email, I will delete it. Since it takes a lot of time to respond to every review request, I will only respond to you if I am interested. Please be aware that I've taken on a co-blogger and will also occasionally pass review requests on to her.
I am also willing to host author interviews, ARC tours, promotions, contests, etc.
If you have questions or wish to contact me to request a review, just send me an email.
Email: hannahle816 at gmail dot com