Welcome to Day 3 of my birthday week! Tomorrow's the big day! I have lots of fun stuff to give away tomorrow. But today I have some awesomeness, too! Today a SIGNED copy of 52 Reasons to Hate My Father is up for grabs. This book is pure delight, so I'm psyched to share it with you guys.
Today, all you have to do is fill out Rafflecopter (don't forget this one is still US and Canada only). Although, tomorrow I have swag to giveaway all day long AND my big prize this week is a copy of Wildefire and a pre-order of Embers & Echoes by Karsten Knight (Karsten Knight's books are international). For all those giveaways you just need to tweet using the hashtag #BestWorldsBirthday. Every time you tweet, you're entering to win prizes tomorrow. PLUS, you can use one of those tweets as an entry for 52 Reasons.
This week is awesome. Hope you're having as much fun as I am!