Tuesday, December 31, 2013

December Top Five

Happy (almost) New Year! I'm so grateful for another great year of reading and blogging and just bookish things in general. I've read 118-119 books this year - that I've tracked. It's even more if you count the books for school and the books I've read for work. But before I go into the best of December, here are some of my favorite moments on the blog this year.
Best Books of 2013 
It's been a weird reading year - I feel a little like I read a lot of mediocre books, but maybe that's because the books that were amazing were so amazing that all else paled in comparison. I've read two books this year that immediately entered into my favorite books ever and I know I'll always hold them dear to me - so Just One Day by Gayle Forman and Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell tie for my favorite book this year. The rest of my top reads of 2013 can be found here.

Also this was a great year for NA! Here are my top 10 NA of the year. Although, hands down, Sweet Thing by Renee Carlino was my top NA book this year.
Best Posts of 2013
 Honestly, I don't know that anything can beat Jackie's post: When My Boyfriend Read Divergent by Veronica Roth.

Also, I love the Vote for Garrick post I put together for the NA Crush Tourney. I had so much fun advocating for Garrick from Losing It by Cora Carmack. There's just so much awesome British and hot guys with cats goodness to fawn over.

And of course, Jackie and I have had a few discussions on NA. Jackie talks brilliantly about why NA is relevant here and I muse on the new trend of writing the same novel from a different point of view here.
And now on to my top five reads in December.

1. These Broken Stars by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner
This is the kind of science fiction I want to read. A beautiful world, compelling characters and intense situations all make for a fabulous novel. This made my top ten of the year. 

2. Foreplay by Sophie Jordan
I resisted this book because of the title, but I had it recommended to me so many times I picked it up. And I'm convinced that Sophie Jordan wants me to stop breathing because she seems to know exactly how to write characters and situations that take my breath away. This was one of my top ten NA novels this year. 

3. Rush Me by Allison Parr
I was totally surprised by how much I liked this book. It's bursting with personality and it's quite charming, actually. I found this one made it onto my top ten NA of the year as well. 

4. Into the Still Blue by Veronica Rossi
I am so in love with the characters in this series, it was quite bittersweet to see their story come to a close. All I have to say is - Roar is real, right? We can be friends, right? 

5. Jet by Jay Crownover
I put this one off because I loved Rule so much - which is something that totally makes sense if you're in my head. As it turns out, Jet is just as intense and awesome as Rule is and I may like Ayden even more than Shaw. 

What were your top reads this month? 

Monday, December 30, 2013

Jackie's Top 10 of 2013

::Post by Jackie Lindert::

I read a lot of great books this year, especially YA. I also read a lot of books that were just so-so. Here is a list of my favorites! 

1. Just One Day by Gayle Forman

2. Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo

3. The Program by Suzanne Young

4. Arcadia Burns  by Kai Meyer

5. Rebel Spring by Morgan Rhodes

6. Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell

7.The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey  

8. Sever by Lauren DeStefano

These final two are NA, but I just had to include them in my favorites of 2013:

9. Light in the Shadows by A. Meredith Walters

10. Walking Disaster by Jamie McGuire

If you haven't read them, you should! There was no competition; these were indisputably my top ten. I'd love to hear whether you agree/disagree or have recommendations for me! 

Happy New year, and happy reading!

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Needing Her Prank-tastic Blog Tour: Guest Post & Giveaway

Who is the real Molly Adams? 
Molly McAdams is pulling a prank on the internet to celebrate the release of her prank-tastic novella, Needing Her, on 12/23! For eight days until Needing Her goes on-sale, the internet will be brimming with New Adult celebs like J. Lynn, Jay Crownover, Sophie Jordan, and more—all pretending to be the REAL Molly McAdams. All have filled out the same Q&A, so it’s up to the fans to guess which one is the real Molly! Each day, a new Q&A will go live on a variety of blogs, and if you guess who’s answering the questions in the comments, you could win a fabulous gift basket, including books from all the participating authors, as well as a prank “starter-kit,” for your own practical jokes. Here are the participants:

Molly McAdams
J. Lynn
Monica Murphy
Lisa DesRochers
Jay Crownover
Sophie Jordan
Nichole Chase
Blogger Yara Santos of Once Upon A Twilight

So see if you can guess who’s who by commenting, and you’ll be entered to win a lavish prize basket. And check all the other participating blogs until 12/23 to see if you can pick out the REAL Molly McAdams. Identities will be revealed, and the winner will be announced on 12/24, on these blogs as well as on the Between the Covers FB page.
Molly McAdams Pretender #6

Favorite food?
Any flavored Cheesecake

Favorite color?
At the moment its light green

Favorite band and / or favorite song?
New Kids on the Block of course

How do you come up with your book ideas?
I can be surfing the internet or chatting on Facebook and Bam! New idea will pop in my head after seeing a sad story mentioned or a sad puppy pictured. 

What’s the best prank you’ve ever played on someone?
I egged an ex-boyfriend's car in high school when I found out he liked someone else. 

What’s your fascination with cops and detectives?
Hello! Who doesn't love a man in a uniform. 

What’s the thing you love most about Needing Her?
The spiritual connection I felt while I wrote the book and hope that readers will feel it too.
Needing Her
A fabulous, fun, and sexy New Adult novella from New York Times bestselling author Molly McAdams. If you loved Connor in From Ashes, this is the story for you.
She's the girl next door
Maci Price isn't really into relationships. Having four very protective older brothers has always made having a boyfriend very difficult anyway. But her friend is set on finding her the right guy—and thinks the mysterious Connor Green is the perfect pick.

He's her brother's best friend
Connor Green is trying to find himself again. He loved, then lost, and it's time for him to pick up the pieces. His brooding is making his friends crazy, but Maci, who has grown up into a gorgeous and incredibly sexy woman, is about to break the spell.

They're made for each other
When Maci starts up old pranks to get Connor out of his slump, an all-out war leads to a night that will break all their rules … and a relationship they must keep hidden. Together they're electric. Apart they're safe. And soon they'll each find that they're exactly what the other needs.

Buy Links: Amazon :: B&N :: Apple Bookstore
Participating Blogs
Monday, December 16th:

Tuesday, December 17th             

Wednesday, December 18th:       

Thursday, December 19th:            
Will Read For Books       

Friday, December 20th:  

Saturday, December 21st:            

Sunday, December 22nd:               

                       Monday, December 23rd:                             

Friday, December 20, 2013

When My Boyfriend Read Divergent by Veronica Roth

::Post by Jackie Lindert::

This is going to be a different post from the usual, but I think everyone will get a kick out of it!

My boyfriend, at 23 years old, had never read a full novel cover to cover. A couple of months ago, that changed when I finally got him to read Divergent by Veronica Roth. I secretly took notes of the things he said or asked me while reading his first book. I hope you can all get a laugh at his expense (that's what he gets for waiting so long to join us in the world of books)!

Me: Where are you at in the book?
BF: Bitch be talkin' at the dinner table when she's not supposed to!


After reading for a while...
BF: I love that she's all about her freedom now, gettin' tattoos and stuff. Badass. *looking very pleased*


BF: *looks at me nervously* Do we like Four?


Me: So how are you liking the book?
BF: I'm kind of scared to see this movie.
Me: Why?
BF: It's intense. Girls are just getting the crap beat out of them and stuff.


(This comment is my favorite. Possibly made me fall in love with him all over again.)

BF: Eric reminds me of Klaus from Vampire Diaries [the TV show]....because he's a dick...and powerful.


(After Peter stabs Edward)
BF: Dude just got stabbed in the eye! And he quit!


(first flirtatious scene)
BF: Four walked her back to her room, and she was inchin' on him.


BF: *gasps and shuts book* Reading about people making out is way intense.


(after he picked it up again)
BF:*looks up at me curiously* What exactly is the small of your back?

These were some of the more colorful things that he said that I was able to write down. I cannot tell you how funny and adorable it was to watch him react to this book. Currently, he's read all 3 in the Divergent series(!), and has officially started reading Harry Potter. I could not be more proud! Let me know if you enjoy this kind of post because I am totally up for doing this to him again!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Top Ten NA in 2013

This has been the year of NA and I freaking love it. I'm loving this blossoming field and I can't wait to see what the future has in store for it. There's a lot of NA out there to find - both self and traditionally published - and sometimes you have to wade through some bad stuff, but it's so worth it. Here are my top ten NA reads in 2013. I'd love to hear yours! I'm always looking for great recommendations! 

1. Sweet Thing by Renee Carlino
I'm so in love with this book. It's intense and beautiful. My review is here. Also, I've decided that Will is Jon Bellion. So listen, read, and enjoy the crazy happiness. 

2. A Little Too Far by Lisa Desrochers
This book is bold and shocking in the best way possible. I love that it does something different in NA and just pulls off all kinds of things it shouldn't be able to. My review is here

3. Finding It by Cora Carmack
Cora has just been killing it with the Losing It series and this was a great addition. I love Kelsey, I love Jackson, and I adore the fact that everything goes down as they're spontaneously traipsing through Europe. My review is here

4. Breaking the Reins by Juliana Haygert
This book is bold and it doesn't shy away from some dark moments. But somehow those moments just serve to make the rest of the book hopeful, emotional and amazing. My thoughts are here

5. Perfect Regret by A. Meredith Walters
I'm obsessed with A. Meredith Walters. Her books just have intense passion and the right kind of drama. Perfect Regret is another great one from her that just stands out from other NA novels. My full review is here

6. Give Me Something by Elizabeth Lee
This book kept me on my toes and just kept surprising me. Plus, she just writes the best country boys, ever. People give awards for best written country boys, right? My review is here

7. Rule by Jay Crownover
I got all kinds of things I wasn't expecting when I read this book. It is complex and complicated, and the characters are wonderfully written that the story just breathes beyond the page. And I'm a sucker for friends falling in love. My review is here.

8. Foreplay by Sophie Jordan
There were moments that I actually forgot to breathe while I was reading this book. It's so well written and a little bit heart-stopping. 

9. Rush Me by Allison Parr
I went in thinking - guilty pleasure - with the whole bookish girl falling for an NFL player thing. But it wound up being a bit unforgettable. I love the personality and the energy that springs from these pages. 

10. One Tiny Lie by K.A. Tucker
I adore this book and Livie's story. There's just something endearing about her and I totally relate to her. For me this book is the epitome of great NA.  

Monday, December 16, 2013

Rebel Spring - Morgan Rhodes

::Post by Jackie Lindert::

Synopsis: Love, power, and magic collide with war in the second book of the Falling Kingdoms series.
Auranos has fallen and the three kingdoms—Auranos, Limeros, and Paelsia—are now united as one country called Mytica. But still, magic beckons, and with it the chance to rule not just Mytica, but the world...
When the evil King Gaius announces that a road is to be built into the Forbidden Mountains, formally linking all of Mytica together, he sets off a chain of events that will forever change the face of this land, forcing Cleo the dethroned princess, Magnus the reluctant heir, Lucia the haunted sorceress, and Jonas the desperate rebel to take steps they never could have imagined.

I'm so excited to report that Rebel Spring definitely lived up to my expectations. Following up from Falling Kingdoms, the second book truly puts everything in a whole new world: Mytica. The three main characters of this series drive me CRAZY! I love them and I hate them. They make me so mad, but I wouldn't change a thing about any of them. I love reading about their lives and the struggles of being heirs, or not, in Jonas' case. 

Cleo rises to the occasion in this book, and I'm freaking out over her situation. My feelings about Magnus and Jonas are so mixed, and I honestly don't know how I want things to turn out. I'm absolutely terrified of Lucia--she might be the only character I've become disenchanted with. Except Magnus' father. I perma-hate him, obviously. It's so nerve-racking that the fate of Paelsia is resting where it does, and in the hands it does (it's so hard to stay spoiler free!).  

Besides the characters themselves, the world that's left/is being created, is so different, and the political unrest is amazingly portrayed. Once again, the world-building is outstanding. I want to visit this world, despite the fact it's in utter dismay...how does that even happen? Morgan Rhodes has truly built up every piece of this plot up to a point that I have no idea what is going to happen. Nothing goes according to plan, magic is growing, people are dying, and fear is all-consuming. She leaves just enough open to drive you mad at the end--I cannot deal with not knowing when the 3rd installment is due out. 

Again, this has been the perfect book to bring me back to my love of the fantasy genre. I just love revisiting this world. If you haven't been introduced yet, get your hands on this series. You won't regret it.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Blog Tour: The Promise of Amazing by Robin Constantine

I'm so excited to be a part of the Promise of Amazing blog tour hosted by The Fantastic Flying Book Club! I have a post packed full of fun for you today. First, I have my thoughts on this adorable, adorable book. Then I have my dream cast AND a playlist for you. 
This book is super adorable. It’s full of awkward, sweet moments of that come with falling in love for the first time. It seems this book is getting a lot of heat for its instalove aspect, however, I found that part of the book genuine. We are talking about teenagers here, and maybe it’s not really love, but to them it seems real. Teens tend to fall faster and often nonsensically, so rather than being annoyed that they didn’t really know each other and they were tossing the “L” word around, I found it to be pretty spot on with how relationships tended to happen in high school. 

What I actually found great about this book were the two different groups of friends driving the plot. On one hand you have Wren’s friends who are energetic, girly and have a tendency to overthink everything. I loved them because they’re exactly how my group of friends was in high school. Something would happen with a boy and we’d immediately all discuss the meaning, implications, and further course of action before anything else could happen. They know one another and support each other. It’s great. On the other end you have Grayson’s friends who are exactly the opposite. They’re manipulative and mean. I was a little sad Grayson didn’t have better people to watch his back, but then again he has a sordid past he hasn’t quite escaped yet. 

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book and it’s something light , which was exactly what I needed at the time I picked it up. If you’re just looking for a good, quick and sweet read then this is definitely one to check out.  

Dream Cast
Wren - Dayeanne Hutton (she plays Harriet Smith on Emma Approved)
Grayson - Daren Kagasoff (Yeah, the dude from Secret Life...)
For Wren:
"Talkin' Smooth" by Kate Vougle
"I Knew You Were Trouble" by Taylor Swift
"Can't Seem to Let You Go" by Carter's Chord
For Grayson: 
"These Times" by SafetySuit
"Unforget You" by The Friday Night Boys
"I Saw" by Matt Nathanson
For both of them: 
"Falling" by Keri Noble
"Chasing You" by City Drive
"Kiss Me Slowly" by Parachute
About the Book
The Promise Of Amazing
by Robin Constantine
Publisher: Balzer + Bray
Release Date: December 31st, 2013

Wren Caswell is average. Ranked in the middle of her class at Sacred Heart, she’s not popular, but not a social misfit. Wren is the quiet, “good” girl who's always done what she's supposed to—only now in her junior year, this passive strategy is backfiring. She wants to change, but doesn’t know how.

Grayson Barrett was the king of St. Gabe’s. Star of the lacrosse team, top of his class, on a fast track to a brilliant future—until he was expelled for being a “term paper pimp.” Now Gray is in a downward spiral and needs to change, but doesn’t know how. 

One fateful night their paths cross when Wren, working at her family’s Arthurian-themed catering hall, performs the Heimlich on Gray as he chokes on a cocktail weenie, saving his life literally and figuratively. What follows is the complicated, awkward, hilarious, and tender tale of two teens shedding their pasts, figuring out who they are—and falling in love.

Book Links: Goodreads :: Amazon :: Kindle :: B&N :: Kobo :: Book Depository

About the Author

Robin Constantine is a born and bred Jersey girl who moved down South so she could wear flip-flops year round. She spends her days dreaming up stories where love conquers all, well, eventually but not without a lot of peril, angst and the occasional kissing scene. 

Her YA debut, THE PROMISE OF AMAZING, will be released in 2014 by Balzer + Bray, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers.

Find Robin Online: Website :: Blog :: Facebook :: Twitter :: Goodreads :: Tumblr

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Release Day Launch: Storm Warning by C. Quinn & E. Lee

C. Quinn and E. Lee's amazing new novel in their Broken Heartland Series, STORM WARNING, is out today and we are excited to join in the release day launch for it. STORM WARNING is a thrilling Young Adult Contemporary you are not going to want to miss! Check out what we have for you today and then enter to win in the release day launch giveaway! There's also a fantastic excerpt for you. But be aware! The Storm Is Coming...

Hope’s Grove was small. Everyone knew about her parents, and she was already dreading facing them since the news of her dad’s affair had hit. But facing them without her brother and her best friend would be her worst nightmare.
After the girls had said their goodbyes and she’d watched her friend’s taillights fade down the drive, Ella Jane scuffed her boots along the winding dirt road that led her home.
She was about halfway there, watching the sun sink low in the evening sky, when the unmistakable rumble of a pickup truck came barreling down the road behind her. She stepped aside to let it pass without looking back. But it didn’t pass. It slowed practically to a stop right next her.
She turned, wondering what the heck the driver’s deal was. There was more than enough room for him to go around. But the smiling face beneath the backwards trucker hat sent the words on the tip of her tongue swirling away with the dust the truck had riled up.
She bit her lip and grinned. Warm brown eyes gleamed in her direction. “Hey there, Ellie May. Need a ride?”
She rolled her eyes. Why Brantley Cooper couldn’t call her by her actual name was beyond her. But as long as he was talking to her, she really didn’t care much what he called her. He can call me ‘flower’ if he wants to.
He was a year older than her and a year younger than her older brother, Kyle. Smack in the middle of their ages and grades in school and usually smack in the middle of their arguments. Coop kept the peace. Balanced them out perfectly.
The three of them had met at the same time as kids but Coop and Kyle had become like brothers instantly. She’d always tagged along wherever they went. Kyle had whined about it when they were younger but Coop always made her feel welcome. He held doors open for her so she didn’t get left behind, made sure to invite her despite her brother’s protests, and lately he’d even stopped by and hung out even when Kyle wasn’t home. And this year, she’d be a junior and Coop would be a senior. With her big brother away at college, she couldn’t help but fantasize about what might happen if she and Coop spent time together alone.
“Hey, Coop. Lynlee just left so I was just…” She glanced toward home. Kyle wasn’t back from football camp yet, and her mom was baking herself to death, trying to keep her mind off of everything.
“Yeah, I heard the Wicked Witch was moving west. You up for some fishing? I have to drop my bike off at the house but we could swing by the lake after.”
She should get home. She knew she should. Should order a pizza and convince her mom to take it easy for a night. Except…it was Coop. And in all her sixteen years, he was the one boy she’d never been able to say no to.
“Yeah. Yeah I’m up for it.”


About the Book
Book 1 in the Broken Heartland Series

Sometimes you don’t see the storm coming until it’s too late...

Severe Storm Warning Tip #1:
Be alert to changing weather conditions. Look for approaching storms.

Severe Storm Warning Tip #2:
If you see approaching storms or any of the danger signs, be prepared to take shelter immediately.

Severe Storm Warning Tip #3:
They may strike quickly, with little or no warning.

Situated just outside of Oklahoma City, Calumet County is divided into two drastically different communities: Hope’s Grove and Summit Bluffs. One is the small backward town where dirt roads lead the way to field parties and railroad tracks. And the other, a sprawling suburb where paved drives lead to the landscaped lawns of the wealthy and privileged.

For five teenagers smack in the middle of Tornado Alley, summer is heating up fast. The winds of change are blurring the invisible line that divides the rich and the rural.

One has a secret.
One has a crush.
One has been lying.
One will get caught.
And one might not make it out alive.
They’re from two different worlds…but one summer is about to change everything.

About the Authors

Whether you believe in destiny, divine intervention, or just plain ol' dumb luck, several things happened in 2013 that caused E. Lee and C. Quinn's paths to cross. It may have been that the stars aligned perfectly, or the fact anytime Luke Bryan was mentioned on a social media site both of them were tagged, or maybe it was just that their small town roots and country girl attitudes were magnetically drawn together—calling out to one another, “Y'all should write a book!” Despite geography keeping them apart—Lee in Illinois and Quinn in Alabama—they did. Thanks to three-hour phone calls, ridiculous amounts of online chats, and umpteen Google Docs—Storm Warning is the first book in their edgy new Young Adult series,  Broken Heartland.

Links: Website :: Facebook :: Twitter :: Pinterest :: Goodreads :: Newsletter :: Book Trailer

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

December Top Five

Happy (almost) New Year! I'm so grateful for another great year of reading and blogging and just bookish things in general. I've read 118-119 books this year - that I've tracked. It's even more if you count the books for school and the books I've read for work. But before I go into the best of December, here are some of my favorite moments on the blog this year.
Best Books of 2013 
It's been a weird reading year - I feel a little like I read a lot of mediocre books, but maybe that's because the books that were amazing were so amazing that all else paled in comparison. I've read two books this year that immediately entered into my favorite books ever and I know I'll always hold them dear to me - so Just One Day by Gayle Forman and Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell tie for my favorite book this year. The rest of my top reads of 2013 can be found here.

Also this was a great year for NA! Here are my top 10 NA of the year. Although, hands down, Sweet Thing by Renee Carlino was my top NA book this year.
Best Posts of 2013
 Honestly, I don't know that anything can beat Jackie's post: When My Boyfriend Read Divergent by Veronica Roth.

Also, I love the Vote for Garrick post I put together for the NA Crush Tourney. I had so much fun advocating for Garrick from Losing It by Cora Carmack. There's just so much awesome British and hot guys with cats goodness to fawn over.

And of course, Jackie and I have had a few discussions on NA. Jackie talks brilliantly about why NA is relevant here and I muse on the new trend of writing the same novel from a different point of view here.
And now on to my top five reads in December.

1. These Broken Stars by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner
This is the kind of science fiction I want to read. A beautiful world, compelling characters and intense situations all make for a fabulous novel. This made my top ten of the year. 

2. Foreplay by Sophie Jordan
I resisted this book because of the title, but I had it recommended to me so many times I picked it up. And I'm convinced that Sophie Jordan wants me to stop breathing because she seems to know exactly how to write characters and situations that take my breath away. This was one of my top ten NA novels this year. 

3. Rush Me by Allison Parr
I was totally surprised by how much I liked this book. It's bursting with personality and it's quite charming, actually. I found this one made it onto my top ten NA of the year as well. 

4. Into the Still Blue by Veronica Rossi
I am so in love with the characters in this series, it was quite bittersweet to see their story come to a close. All I have to say is - Roar is real, right? We can be friends, right? 

5. Jet by Jay Crownover
I put this one off because I loved Rule so much - which is something that totally makes sense if you're in my head. As it turns out, Jet is just as intense and awesome as Rule is and I may like Ayden even more than Shaw. 

What were your top reads this month? 

Monday, December 30, 2013

Jackie's Top 10 of 2013

::Post by Jackie Lindert::

I read a lot of great books this year, especially YA. I also read a lot of books that were just so-so. Here is a list of my favorites! 

1. Just One Day by Gayle Forman

2. Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo

3. The Program by Suzanne Young

4. Arcadia Burns  by Kai Meyer

5. Rebel Spring by Morgan Rhodes

6. Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell

7.The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey  

8. Sever by Lauren DeStefano

These final two are NA, but I just had to include them in my favorites of 2013:

9. Light in the Shadows by A. Meredith Walters

10. Walking Disaster by Jamie McGuire

If you haven't read them, you should! There was no competition; these were indisputably my top ten. I'd love to hear whether you agree/disagree or have recommendations for me! 

Happy New year, and happy reading!

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Needing Her Prank-tastic Blog Tour: Guest Post & Giveaway

Who is the real Molly Adams? 
Molly McAdams is pulling a prank on the internet to celebrate the release of her prank-tastic novella, Needing Her, on 12/23! For eight days until Needing Her goes on-sale, the internet will be brimming with New Adult celebs like J. Lynn, Jay Crownover, Sophie Jordan, and more—all pretending to be the REAL Molly McAdams. All have filled out the same Q&A, so it’s up to the fans to guess which one is the real Molly! Each day, a new Q&A will go live on a variety of blogs, and if you guess who’s answering the questions in the comments, you could win a fabulous gift basket, including books from all the participating authors, as well as a prank “starter-kit,” for your own practical jokes. Here are the participants:

Molly McAdams
J. Lynn
Monica Murphy
Lisa DesRochers
Jay Crownover
Sophie Jordan
Nichole Chase
Blogger Yara Santos of Once Upon A Twilight

So see if you can guess who’s who by commenting, and you’ll be entered to win a lavish prize basket. And check all the other participating blogs until 12/23 to see if you can pick out the REAL Molly McAdams. Identities will be revealed, and the winner will be announced on 12/24, on these blogs as well as on the Between the Covers FB page.
Molly McAdams Pretender #6

Favorite food?
Any flavored Cheesecake

Favorite color?
At the moment its light green

Favorite band and / or favorite song?
New Kids on the Block of course

How do you come up with your book ideas?
I can be surfing the internet or chatting on Facebook and Bam! New idea will pop in my head after seeing a sad story mentioned or a sad puppy pictured. 

What’s the best prank you’ve ever played on someone?
I egged an ex-boyfriend's car in high school when I found out he liked someone else. 

What’s your fascination with cops and detectives?
Hello! Who doesn't love a man in a uniform. 

What’s the thing you love most about Needing Her?
The spiritual connection I felt while I wrote the book and hope that readers will feel it too.
Needing Her
A fabulous, fun, and sexy New Adult novella from New York Times bestselling author Molly McAdams. If you loved Connor in From Ashes, this is the story for you.
She's the girl next door
Maci Price isn't really into relationships. Having four very protective older brothers has always made having a boyfriend very difficult anyway. But her friend is set on finding her the right guy—and thinks the mysterious Connor Green is the perfect pick.

He's her brother's best friend
Connor Green is trying to find himself again. He loved, then lost, and it's time for him to pick up the pieces. His brooding is making his friends crazy, but Maci, who has grown up into a gorgeous and incredibly sexy woman, is about to break the spell.

They're made for each other
When Maci starts up old pranks to get Connor out of his slump, an all-out war leads to a night that will break all their rules … and a relationship they must keep hidden. Together they're electric. Apart they're safe. And soon they'll each find that they're exactly what the other needs.

Buy Links: Amazon :: B&N :: Apple Bookstore
Participating Blogs
Monday, December 16th:

Tuesday, December 17th             

Wednesday, December 18th:       

Thursday, December 19th:            
Will Read For Books       

Friday, December 20th:  

Saturday, December 21st:            

Sunday, December 22nd:               

                       Monday, December 23rd:                             

Friday, December 20, 2013

When My Boyfriend Read Divergent by Veronica Roth

::Post by Jackie Lindert::

This is going to be a different post from the usual, but I think everyone will get a kick out of it!

My boyfriend, at 23 years old, had never read a full novel cover to cover. A couple of months ago, that changed when I finally got him to read Divergent by Veronica Roth. I secretly took notes of the things he said or asked me while reading his first book. I hope you can all get a laugh at his expense (that's what he gets for waiting so long to join us in the world of books)!

Me: Where are you at in the book?
BF: Bitch be talkin' at the dinner table when she's not supposed to!


After reading for a while...
BF: I love that she's all about her freedom now, gettin' tattoos and stuff. Badass. *looking very pleased*


BF: *looks at me nervously* Do we like Four?


Me: So how are you liking the book?
BF: I'm kind of scared to see this movie.
Me: Why?
BF: It's intense. Girls are just getting the crap beat out of them and stuff.


(This comment is my favorite. Possibly made me fall in love with him all over again.)

BF: Eric reminds me of Klaus from Vampire Diaries [the TV show]....because he's a dick...and powerful.


(After Peter stabs Edward)
BF: Dude just got stabbed in the eye! And he quit!


(first flirtatious scene)
BF: Four walked her back to her room, and she was inchin' on him.


BF: *gasps and shuts book* Reading about people making out is way intense.


(after he picked it up again)
BF:*looks up at me curiously* What exactly is the small of your back?

These were some of the more colorful things that he said that I was able to write down. I cannot tell you how funny and adorable it was to watch him react to this book. Currently, he's read all 3 in the Divergent series(!), and has officially started reading Harry Potter. I could not be more proud! Let me know if you enjoy this kind of post because I am totally up for doing this to him again!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Top Ten NA in 2013

This has been the year of NA and I freaking love it. I'm loving this blossoming field and I can't wait to see what the future has in store for it. There's a lot of NA out there to find - both self and traditionally published - and sometimes you have to wade through some bad stuff, but it's so worth it. Here are my top ten NA reads in 2013. I'd love to hear yours! I'm always looking for great recommendations! 

1. Sweet Thing by Renee Carlino
I'm so in love with this book. It's intense and beautiful. My review is here. Also, I've decided that Will is Jon Bellion. So listen, read, and enjoy the crazy happiness. 

2. A Little Too Far by Lisa Desrochers
This book is bold and shocking in the best way possible. I love that it does something different in NA and just pulls off all kinds of things it shouldn't be able to. My review is here

3. Finding It by Cora Carmack
Cora has just been killing it with the Losing It series and this was a great addition. I love Kelsey, I love Jackson, and I adore the fact that everything goes down as they're spontaneously traipsing through Europe. My review is here

4. Breaking the Reins by Juliana Haygert
This book is bold and it doesn't shy away from some dark moments. But somehow those moments just serve to make the rest of the book hopeful, emotional and amazing. My thoughts are here

5. Perfect Regret by A. Meredith Walters
I'm obsessed with A. Meredith Walters. Her books just have intense passion and the right kind of drama. Perfect Regret is another great one from her that just stands out from other NA novels. My full review is here

6. Give Me Something by Elizabeth Lee
This book kept me on my toes and just kept surprising me. Plus, she just writes the best country boys, ever. People give awards for best written country boys, right? My review is here

7. Rule by Jay Crownover
I got all kinds of things I wasn't expecting when I read this book. It is complex and complicated, and the characters are wonderfully written that the story just breathes beyond the page. And I'm a sucker for friends falling in love. My review is here.

8. Foreplay by Sophie Jordan
There were moments that I actually forgot to breathe while I was reading this book. It's so well written and a little bit heart-stopping. 

9. Rush Me by Allison Parr
I went in thinking - guilty pleasure - with the whole bookish girl falling for an NFL player thing. But it wound up being a bit unforgettable. I love the personality and the energy that springs from these pages. 

10. One Tiny Lie by K.A. Tucker
I adore this book and Livie's story. There's just something endearing about her and I totally relate to her. For me this book is the epitome of great NA.  

Monday, December 16, 2013

Rebel Spring - Morgan Rhodes

::Post by Jackie Lindert::

Synopsis: Love, power, and magic collide with war in the second book of the Falling Kingdoms series.
Auranos has fallen and the three kingdoms—Auranos, Limeros, and Paelsia—are now united as one country called Mytica. But still, magic beckons, and with it the chance to rule not just Mytica, but the world...
When the evil King Gaius announces that a road is to be built into the Forbidden Mountains, formally linking all of Mytica together, he sets off a chain of events that will forever change the face of this land, forcing Cleo the dethroned princess, Magnus the reluctant heir, Lucia the haunted sorceress, and Jonas the desperate rebel to take steps they never could have imagined.

I'm so excited to report that Rebel Spring definitely lived up to my expectations. Following up from Falling Kingdoms, the second book truly puts everything in a whole new world: Mytica. The three main characters of this series drive me CRAZY! I love them and I hate them. They make me so mad, but I wouldn't change a thing about any of them. I love reading about their lives and the struggles of being heirs, or not, in Jonas' case. 

Cleo rises to the occasion in this book, and I'm freaking out over her situation. My feelings about Magnus and Jonas are so mixed, and I honestly don't know how I want things to turn out. I'm absolutely terrified of Lucia--she might be the only character I've become disenchanted with. Except Magnus' father. I perma-hate him, obviously. It's so nerve-racking that the fate of Paelsia is resting where it does, and in the hands it does (it's so hard to stay spoiler free!).  

Besides the characters themselves, the world that's left/is being created, is so different, and the political unrest is amazingly portrayed. Once again, the world-building is outstanding. I want to visit this world, despite the fact it's in utter dismay...how does that even happen? Morgan Rhodes has truly built up every piece of this plot up to a point that I have no idea what is going to happen. Nothing goes according to plan, magic is growing, people are dying, and fear is all-consuming. She leaves just enough open to drive you mad at the end--I cannot deal with not knowing when the 3rd installment is due out. 

Again, this has been the perfect book to bring me back to my love of the fantasy genre. I just love revisiting this world. If you haven't been introduced yet, get your hands on this series. You won't regret it.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Blog Tour: The Promise of Amazing by Robin Constantine

I'm so excited to be a part of the Promise of Amazing blog tour hosted by The Fantastic Flying Book Club! I have a post packed full of fun for you today. First, I have my thoughts on this adorable, adorable book. Then I have my dream cast AND a playlist for you. 
This book is super adorable. It’s full of awkward, sweet moments of that come with falling in love for the first time. It seems this book is getting a lot of heat for its instalove aspect, however, I found that part of the book genuine. We are talking about teenagers here, and maybe it’s not really love, but to them it seems real. Teens tend to fall faster and often nonsensically, so rather than being annoyed that they didn’t really know each other and they were tossing the “L” word around, I found it to be pretty spot on with how relationships tended to happen in high school. 

What I actually found great about this book were the two different groups of friends driving the plot. On one hand you have Wren’s friends who are energetic, girly and have a tendency to overthink everything. I loved them because they’re exactly how my group of friends was in high school. Something would happen with a boy and we’d immediately all discuss the meaning, implications, and further course of action before anything else could happen. They know one another and support each other. It’s great. On the other end you have Grayson’s friends who are exactly the opposite. They’re manipulative and mean. I was a little sad Grayson didn’t have better people to watch his back, but then again he has a sordid past he hasn’t quite escaped yet. 

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book and it’s something light , which was exactly what I needed at the time I picked it up. If you’re just looking for a good, quick and sweet read then this is definitely one to check out.  

Dream Cast
Wren - Dayeanne Hutton (she plays Harriet Smith on Emma Approved)
Grayson - Daren Kagasoff (Yeah, the dude from Secret Life...)
For Wren:
"Talkin' Smooth" by Kate Vougle
"I Knew You Were Trouble" by Taylor Swift
"Can't Seem to Let You Go" by Carter's Chord
For Grayson: 
"These Times" by SafetySuit
"Unforget You" by The Friday Night Boys
"I Saw" by Matt Nathanson
For both of them: 
"Falling" by Keri Noble
"Chasing You" by City Drive
"Kiss Me Slowly" by Parachute
About the Book
The Promise Of Amazing
by Robin Constantine
Publisher: Balzer + Bray
Release Date: December 31st, 2013

Wren Caswell is average. Ranked in the middle of her class at Sacred Heart, she’s not popular, but not a social misfit. Wren is the quiet, “good” girl who's always done what she's supposed to—only now in her junior year, this passive strategy is backfiring. She wants to change, but doesn’t know how.

Grayson Barrett was the king of St. Gabe’s. Star of the lacrosse team, top of his class, on a fast track to a brilliant future—until he was expelled for being a “term paper pimp.” Now Gray is in a downward spiral and needs to change, but doesn’t know how. 

One fateful night their paths cross when Wren, working at her family’s Arthurian-themed catering hall, performs the Heimlich on Gray as he chokes on a cocktail weenie, saving his life literally and figuratively. What follows is the complicated, awkward, hilarious, and tender tale of two teens shedding their pasts, figuring out who they are—and falling in love.

Book Links: Goodreads :: Amazon :: Kindle :: B&N :: Kobo :: Book Depository

About the Author

Robin Constantine is a born and bred Jersey girl who moved down South so she could wear flip-flops year round. She spends her days dreaming up stories where love conquers all, well, eventually but not without a lot of peril, angst and the occasional kissing scene. 

Her YA debut, THE PROMISE OF AMAZING, will be released in 2014 by Balzer + Bray, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers.

Find Robin Online: Website :: Blog :: Facebook :: Twitter :: Goodreads :: Tumblr

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Release Day Launch: Storm Warning by C. Quinn & E. Lee

C. Quinn and E. Lee's amazing new novel in their Broken Heartland Series, STORM WARNING, is out today and we are excited to join in the release day launch for it. STORM WARNING is a thrilling Young Adult Contemporary you are not going to want to miss! Check out what we have for you today and then enter to win in the release day launch giveaway! There's also a fantastic excerpt for you. But be aware! The Storm Is Coming...

Hope’s Grove was small. Everyone knew about her parents, and she was already dreading facing them since the news of her dad’s affair had hit. But facing them without her brother and her best friend would be her worst nightmare.
After the girls had said their goodbyes and she’d watched her friend’s taillights fade down the drive, Ella Jane scuffed her boots along the winding dirt road that led her home.
She was about halfway there, watching the sun sink low in the evening sky, when the unmistakable rumble of a pickup truck came barreling down the road behind her. She stepped aside to let it pass without looking back. But it didn’t pass. It slowed practically to a stop right next her.
She turned, wondering what the heck the driver’s deal was. There was more than enough room for him to go around. But the smiling face beneath the backwards trucker hat sent the words on the tip of her tongue swirling away with the dust the truck had riled up.
She bit her lip and grinned. Warm brown eyes gleamed in her direction. “Hey there, Ellie May. Need a ride?”
She rolled her eyes. Why Brantley Cooper couldn’t call her by her actual name was beyond her. But as long as he was talking to her, she really didn’t care much what he called her. He can call me ‘flower’ if he wants to.
He was a year older than her and a year younger than her older brother, Kyle. Smack in the middle of their ages and grades in school and usually smack in the middle of their arguments. Coop kept the peace. Balanced them out perfectly.
The three of them had met at the same time as kids but Coop and Kyle had become like brothers instantly. She’d always tagged along wherever they went. Kyle had whined about it when they were younger but Coop always made her feel welcome. He held doors open for her so she didn’t get left behind, made sure to invite her despite her brother’s protests, and lately he’d even stopped by and hung out even when Kyle wasn’t home. And this year, she’d be a junior and Coop would be a senior. With her big brother away at college, she couldn’t help but fantasize about what might happen if she and Coop spent time together alone.
“Hey, Coop. Lynlee just left so I was just…” She glanced toward home. Kyle wasn’t back from football camp yet, and her mom was baking herself to death, trying to keep her mind off of everything.
“Yeah, I heard the Wicked Witch was moving west. You up for some fishing? I have to drop my bike off at the house but we could swing by the lake after.”
She should get home. She knew she should. Should order a pizza and convince her mom to take it easy for a night. Except…it was Coop. And in all her sixteen years, he was the one boy she’d never been able to say no to.
“Yeah. Yeah I’m up for it.”


About the Book
Book 1 in the Broken Heartland Series

Sometimes you don’t see the storm coming until it’s too late...

Severe Storm Warning Tip #1:
Be alert to changing weather conditions. Look for approaching storms.

Severe Storm Warning Tip #2:
If you see approaching storms or any of the danger signs, be prepared to take shelter immediately.

Severe Storm Warning Tip #3:
They may strike quickly, with little or no warning.

Situated just outside of Oklahoma City, Calumet County is divided into two drastically different communities: Hope’s Grove and Summit Bluffs. One is the small backward town where dirt roads lead the way to field parties and railroad tracks. And the other, a sprawling suburb where paved drives lead to the landscaped lawns of the wealthy and privileged.

For five teenagers smack in the middle of Tornado Alley, summer is heating up fast. The winds of change are blurring the invisible line that divides the rich and the rural.

One has a secret.
One has a crush.
One has been lying.
One will get caught.
And one might not make it out alive.
They’re from two different worlds…but one summer is about to change everything.

About the Authors

Whether you believe in destiny, divine intervention, or just plain ol' dumb luck, several things happened in 2013 that caused E. Lee and C. Quinn's paths to cross. It may have been that the stars aligned perfectly, or the fact anytime Luke Bryan was mentioned on a social media site both of them were tagged, or maybe it was just that their small town roots and country girl attitudes were magnetically drawn together—calling out to one another, “Y'all should write a book!” Despite geography keeping them apart—Lee in Illinois and Quinn in Alabama—they did. Thanks to three-hour phone calls, ridiculous amounts of online chats, and umpteen Google Docs—Storm Warning is the first book in their edgy new Young Adult series,  Broken Heartland.

Links: Website :: Facebook :: Twitter :: Pinterest :: Goodreads :: Newsletter :: Book Trailer